
Monday, August 10, 2015

Pioneer goodie bags

3sisters and I had a blast making everything including the bags for this years pioneer school! We had 3 of our 4 pioneers attend this year. I found out the bags are 50% Kevin proof (doubt their water proof!) ๐Ÿ˜‚ my brother Kevin got the bag Monday, put it in the bottom of his book bag with his Bible and heavy portfolio on top (seriously heavy not kidding...) it came out 4 days later and it survived, couple of battle scars (wrinkles)!  we had so much fun putting the candy in ๐Ÿ˜‰ can anyone say "SUGAR RUSH,!" Hope you enjoy! 
Made keychain's and fridge magnets out of bottle caps and the 'keep calm" keychain was made from shrinky dink,you heard me I said shrinky dink! Everything came out superb. It was so much fun! 

Sunday, July 12, 2015


So back in March I was able to get the new Cricut explore air! It makes my crafting SO much easier. When I set it up I made a quick card to make sure everything was working correctly! Here is my first card I made on my new Cricut! 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Project I'm working on!

I've been working on this project with a sister in my hall. Right nรดw I'm waiting for my supplies to come in and I'll post all the finished goodies! There are a bunch of little things going into this project so I will show you when I have designed now! I have the new cricut machine, the cricut explore air and it makes everything much easier for me!
 These will be the goodie bags that I am going to be making. They won't be green!
These will have Swedish fish candy!

I need to have a package of smarties candy, mint and lifesaver candy!
These are all the pictures I have so far and not sure when they're all done! There is more going into thes, but I just haven't taken pictures yet!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Tooth card

I know I haven't been putting anything up in a long time. I keep forgetting to take pictures, moved over 2,000 miles. I've had a lot of projects I've been doing and this was a quick card I put together today! 
My friend just got her wisdom teeth pulled and needed a little pick up. I hope this makes her smile!